Anna Jaques Hospital - AJH Pedometer Community
What is it?
The AJH Pedometer Community is a program for second-graders in the Triton Regional Elementary, and Newburyport Elementary school systems, designed to raise awareness of the importance of good health and fitness. Since September 2006, the second-grade classes of the selected schools have received the Pedometer Community’s “How Far Can You Go” program kit. The program pairs classrooms with Anna Jaques Hospital (AJH) nurse teams, as they wear pedometers and participate in a “walking challenge” with their class. Each week, the teams compare who has walked more steps.
Who is it for?
Initially, the program included second-graders in the selected schools. The vision has been to expand the program to all second-graders and their families in the community.
Why do they do it?
The program improves the health of the community by encouraging second-graders to walk, making it a fun challenge as they count their daily steps with pedometers and sending important health information home to educate parents through the kids. Also, as AJH nurse teams are paired with classrooms, the program provides exposure for AJH nurses and community education about important careers in health care.
Twelve teams involved in the program have completed 8,598,930 steps. Teachers and cafeteria staff joined the challenge with teams of their own. The Salisbury Council on Aging also adopted the program for its senior citizens, with several 90-year-old individuals participating. In spring 2012, the How Far Can You Go pedometer program will be implemented in the Newburyport Public School District with 600 second- and third-graders. The focus of the program will be to counter today-s stationary lifestyle and its contribution to childhood obesity.
Contact: Jennifer Karin
Community Outreach Coordinator
Telephone: 978-463-1175