Advocate BroMenn Medical Center - Cholesterol Screening & Nurse Consultation Program
What is it?
The cholesterol screening program is offered by Advocate BroMenn Community Wellness Services to target individuals at risk for cardiovascular disease. Non-fasting glucose, blood pressure, and total cholesterol screenings are offered to individuals, along with a simple cardiovascular risk assessment. Participants found to be at moderate or high risk for heart disease are invited to have a one-on-one consultation with a nurse with specialty training in cardiac services. The consultation includes a fasting lipid profile, body composition testing, blood pressure, a coronary risk assessment, and education on modifying individual risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Who is it for?
Adults in McLean County and surrounding communities.
Why do they do it?
Advocate BroMenn has identified that cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death in Central Illinois. This program is offered to identify individuals at risk for cardiovascular disease and then provide subsequent personalized education to the participants, with the overall goal of decreasing the incidence of cardiovascular disease deaths in McLean County and surrounding communities.
Approximately 60 percent of individuals participating in the non-fasting screening process are found to be at risk for heart disease. We have found that 40 percent of this at-risk population will follow through with an individual nurse consultation. At the consultation, numerous participants are found to be without a primary care physician and are consequently scheduled with a provider as needed for appropriate follow-up care. It is known that early identification and modification of risk factors can make a significant difference on the impact of heart disease in one’s life.
Contact: Lynn Rolseth
Community Benefits Consultant
Advocate Health Care
Telephone: 630-990-5391