Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center - Puentes Autism Treatment Program
What is it?
The Puentes Autism Treatment Program, offered through the hospital’s Pediatric Development Center, uses a unique treatment model that provides clinical intervention immediately upon a diagnosis of autism. The program teaches autistic children skills in a variety of settings, including home and social groups, utilizing an integrated approach.
With the loss of state funding, the program has had to bring families to the Center instead of working in the homes. We hope to be able to secure funds through other grants and funding sources to bring the program back into the homes of children and families in the Chicago area.
Who is it for?
Children with autism and their families.
Why do they do it?
With early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, children with autism now face better prognosis than ever. Parents can learn to interact successfully with their autistic child, and the children can be successful.
Analysis of outcome data from the first 20 families treated showed significant developmental gains for children as well as reductions in behavior problems at home and school. By focusing on teaching parents to collaborate with professionals in the treatment of children with autism, the program makes high-quality clinical services accessible and affordable for families.
Contact: Carol Rolland, PhD
Director, Developmental Pediatric Services
Telephone: 773-296-7340