Bladen County Hospital - Bladen HealthWatch
What is it?
Designed to address the poor health and lifestyle habits of county residents, about one-third of whom are uninsured or underinsured, Bladen HealthWatch is a community-based health education effort that provides a vehicle for outreach into the community as well as a resource identification system for the public. This health initiative is modeled after the successful neighborhood crime watch program: a volunteer network based on "neighbor helping neighbor" become more healthy. In addition, the Bladen HealthWatch Resource Center offers health-related information, help on how to access the health care system at the local and regional level, and wellness and fitness programs. Programs have also included worksite wellness activities and Sneaker Net, a walking club and exercise program on Elizabethtown streets.
Who is it for?
Residents of Bladen County.
Why do they do it?
The program address the county’s high infant mortality rate as well as high death rates for diabetes, heart attacks and strokes, combined with generally poor lifestyle habits and the large number of county residents with little or no medical insurance.
Nearly 1,000 HealthWatch volunteers – in a community of 30,000 – organize health workshops and support groups, make referrals to the HealthWatch office, and generally keep an eye on their neighbors to help them make healthier choices.
Contact: Cathy Kinlaw
Director, Healthy Bladen
Telephone: 910-862-5100