Fletcher Allen Health Care - Footnoters
Fletcher Allen Health Care began offering free foot care clinics for seniors and the disabled across Chittenden County when seniors in the community expressed a need for low-cost or free foot care services at a convenient location.
Currently, the Footnoters program serves more than 900 seniors at nine sites across Chittenden County.
Challenges/success factors
Many seniors live on a fixed income, and Medicare does not cover the cost of podiatrist visits. Often, arthritis and limited hand strength, as well as decreased vision, do not allow many seniors to cut their own toenails. With only two podiatrists in Chittenden County, routine toenail cutting is not available at their offices.
Future direction/sustainability
Footnoters has been serving the community's seniors and disabled for the past 20 years, and the hospital is committed to continuing the program. Staffed by one nurse and 16 volunteers, Footnoters volunteers include nurses and retired nurses who clip nails and identify problems, and non-health professionals who prepare the clients' feet with a foot bath. Last year, volunteers donated 600 hours of service.
Advice to others
Keep the focus on providing the service, and recruit and retain volunteers who are dedicated to the program's mission.
Contact: Dawn Weening
Adult Outreach and Education Coordinator
Telephone: 802-847-1624
E-mail: Dawn.weening@vtmednet.org