Mercy Medical Center - The Learning Child Program
Douglas County, a large county (about the size of Connecticut) at 5,134 square miles, has an unemployment rate of 18 percent, with more than half of the county’s families at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty guideline. To help alleviate strained family budgets, Mercy Medical Center (MMC), through Mercy Foundation, has sponsored The Learning Child since 1998. The program provides backpacks, school supplies, shoes, hygiene products and head-lice shampoo to low-income children. At the beginning of every school year, volunteers stuff thousands of backpacks with school supplies for distribution to children throughout local schools. Each fall and spring, shoe gift cards are provided to local schools for distribution to needy children. Cases of soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes and deodorant are delivered to 48 schools throughout Douglas County to be given to children and families in need. A non-toxic head-lice shampoo is also distributed to schools as needed.
In 2008, The Learning Child distributed backpacks and school supplies to 8,570 county children, dispersed 1,060 shoe gift cards for the neediest children, purchased and distributed $11,621 worth of various hygiene products to schools for children on a semi-annual basis, and provided $4,675 worth of head-lice treatment shampoo for children and their families. The distribution of head-lice shampoo has increased attendance rates at some schools by 30 percent because the school can now send the treatment home with the affected child.
Challenges/success factors
Back-to-school time can be particularly stressful for families under financial strain, and socially and educationally challenging to children. School-related needs often stretch an already tight budget. The Learning Child program makes this transition easier for hundreds of local families and students.
Future direction/sustainability
As long as there is a need in the communities MMC serves, The Learning Child is committed to addressing these needs. As funding permits, MMC would like to extend the backpack and school supply distribution to high schools.
Advice to others
Before starting a program in your area, conduct research to learn whether other local agencies or organizations are doing fundraising for any of these items. If so, form a partnership with them so you are not duplicating efforts. Work with your local schools to best determine the needs of their students, the best delivery system, and who is going to be responsible for distribution. Some schools take their shoe gift cards and purchase shoes for a “shoe closet.” Often, they are able to combine them and purchase the shoes during a buy one, get one-half off sale to increase the number of shoes purchased.
Contact: Lisa Platt
President, Mercy Foundation
Telephone: 541-677-6545