Magruder Hospital - Ottawa County Council of Health & Social Concerns
What is it?
Magruder Hospital has partnered with nearly 40 organizations, agencies and individuals to form the Ottawa County Council of Health & Social Concerns. The Council serves as a clearinghouse for information about local services and programs to ensure awareness of current programs, prevent duplication of services and resources, and encourage collaboration when possible.
Who is it for?
The Council is composed of all interested community organizations, agencies and individuals, and meets to discuss current efforts as well as potential ideas for meeting community needs.
Why do they do it?
Ottawa County is the widest county in Ohio; individuals often have to travel long distances for different services. By increasing awareness of all services that are available, organizations may be able to refer individuals to services that are closer to home, or other local programs that may meet individual or family needs. In addition, Ottawa County is a rural county with limited resources; the sharing of programs and services ensures that efforts are not duplicated, and resources are maximized to meet community needs.
In addition to ensuring that community services and programs are well-known, the group’s monthly meetings have resulted in several significant achievements, including a Senior Levy that enables the Council to better coordinate the many aspects of senior services in the County; the creation of a housing authority to help address the need for safe, affordable housing for people in need; and the opening of a community resources building that offers a comprehensive array of community services in one single location, including case management, hospice, midwives, legal services, the United Way and the Salvation Army.
Contact: Rachel Fall
Director of Health Promotions
Telephone: 419-734-3131, ext. 3363