Delaware Valley Hospital - Free Prescription Delivery

The Free Prescription Delivery program brings medications to the Delaware Valley Family Health Centers in Downsville two days a week and to the Roscoe Health Center Monday through Friday.

What is it?

The Free Prescription Delivery program brings medications to the Delaware Valley Family Health Centers in Downsville two days a week and to the Roscoe Health Center Monday through Friday.

Who is it for?

Customers of CVS living in the Downsville and Roscoe area who are eligible for the program with advance notice.

Why do they do it?

The fact that no pharmacy exists in or around the Downsville and Roscoe area can make obtaining prescriptions difficult, especially given the mountainous terrain and the lack of public transportation.


Over the past decade, roughly 1,000 patients have utilized the program and received more than 10,000 prescriptions.

Contact: Dotti Kruppo
Vice President, Community Health Services
Telephone: 607-865-2409