Wayne Memorial Hospital - Dental Clinic
What is it?
Wayne Memorial Hospital’s dental clinic for low-income children, established in 1995, consists of a freestanding office with four dental chairs and a mobile service of a large van with one chair. The program is staffed by 1.25 FTE dentists and two dental hygienists.
Who is it for?
Low-income children in a multi-county area of Northeast Pennsylvania.
Why do they do it?
Honesdale and the surrounding communities are in Health Professional Shortage Areas and lack dentists who accept Medicaid-insured children. Without this program, many of the children currently served at the clinic would not get preventive oral health care or even needed treatment for tooth decay.
The clinic provides needed dental health services for approximately 5,000 low-income children.
Contact: David Hoff
Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: 570-253-8254
E-mail: hoff@wmh.org