Bon Secours St. Francis Health System - Healthy Communities Initiative
What is it?
In an effort to address socio-economic concerns in communities surrounding Bon Secours St. Francis Health System, residents and stakeholders developed a revitalization project with grassroots efforts. The Healthy Communities Initiative is a multi-faceted effort that addresses root issues affecting the Sterling community of Greenville. Programs include Access Health Greenville, Meals on Wheels, Seniors on the Go, St. Francis Community Garden, and Community Land Trust.
Who is it for?
All residents of Sterling and surrounding areas.
Why do they do it?
The goal is to build a more vibrant, safe and prosperous city.
Response to programs has been community cooperation and a sense of empowerment from residents. People are grateful for the gardens they help create, for new reading glasses, for dental care, for education, and for the opportunity to succeed.
Contact: Maxim Williams
Director, Community Relationship Building
Telephone: 864-477-0844