Butler Hospital - Free Mental Health Screenings
What is it?
A free, confidential online screening tool allows individuals to take an anonymous self-assessment for several different brain-based illnesses including depression, generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, alcohol addiction, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and adolescent depression.
Who is it for?
Individuals or families needing to determine if they or someone they love may have depression or a related mood disorder.
Why do they do it?
It's estimated that nine percent of Rhode Islanders suffer from depression. Depression has been associated with increased risks of diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and possibly stroke.
Butler Hospital has been offering the online screening tools since February 2009. Since then, more than 13,000 screenings have been performed. To access the screenings, visit: www.butler.org/healthscreening.
Contact: Kara Leblanc
Communications Specialist
Telephone: 401-455-6588
E-mail: kleblanc@butler.org