Davis Memorial Hospital - Annual Women's Health Day
The Annual Women’s Health Day, which was in its 10th year this past October, is a collaborative effort of the hospital, local businesses, health agencies, and others in the community. Health screenings, many of them offered at no cost or at a much reduced rate, include cholesterol, blood pressure, bone density, pulse oxygen, colon cancer, body mass index, vision, carotid artery, skin damage assessment, Pap smear, breast exam, multiphasic blood analysis, hemoglobin A1c, C-reactive protein, and blood typing with Rh factor. Women also can sign up for free mini-massages, as well as learn about skin care and how they can qualify for free mammograms. In addition, displays are set up with information about fitness, community wellness agencies, breast cancer, smoking cessation, and cancer prevention. Refreshments, goody bags, and door prizes are also available.
More than 200 women from four counties attended the four-hour event. Many of these women have no health insurance or have insurance that does not cover preventive screenings. A free Pap Test Clinic was conducted with OB-GYN doctors and certified physician assistants providing the tests and clinical breast exams. Ninety-five women took part in that clinic; several have been referred for follow-up on suspicious findings. The hospital follows the numbers of high glucose and high cholesterols. In addition, the hospital offered free influenza vaccinations to 100 women.
Challenges/success factors
The event provides an opportunity for women in the community to learn to live healthier lives, as well as network with physicians, health care professionals, and other like-minded women. Given the current economic stress locally and nationwide, free or low-cost preventive tests that could prevent disease and chronic illness are more important than ever. Information is also displayed about local health programs, for example, free or low-cost mammograms through the West Virginia Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program. One of the major challenges for this event is attracting younger women who can enjoy the maximum benefit of preventive testing before conditions turn into chronic lifestyle diseases.
Future direction/sustainability
The health system intends to continue this event for the 11th year with an emphasis on metabolic syndrome and diabetes prevention and control.
Advice to others
Present a women’s health fair as a day of “one-stop shopping” free screenings in a fun, festive atmosphere for women with the services provided primarily by women health care professionals.
Contact: Marjory Moses
Director, Community Health Promotion
Telephone: 304-637-3139
E-mail: mosesm@davishealthsystem.org