Evanston Regional Hospital - Healthy Woman
Healthy Woman is a community that empowers women with the confidence to make informed health care decisions for themselves and their families. Four events are held each year, including an annual conference with a well-known keynote speaker, a dinner with a local speaker or performer, and an anniversary celebration. In 2012, the hospital also partnered with a department store to bring a huge shopping event to the community. Another benefit of membership in the program is a monthly e-mail newsletter covering various health topics.
What is it?
Healthy Woman is a community that empowers women with the confidence to make informed health care decisions for themselves and their families. Four events are held each year, including an annual conference with a well-known keynote speaker, a dinner with a local speaker or performer, and an anniversary celebration. In 2012, the hospital also partnered with a department store to bring a huge shopping event to the community. Another benefit of membership in the program is a monthly e-mail newsletter covering various health topics.
Who is it for?
Women in the Evanston community.
Why do they do it?
The program helps women make good health choices, while creating a strong connection between families in the community and the hospital.
Healthy Woman in Evanston has about 1,200 members, including 300 who joined this year.
Contact: Maxine Clarke
Volunteer Coordinator
Telephone: 307-783-8137
E-mail: maxine_clarke@chs.net
Community Connections is an initiative of the AHA to support and highlight the work hospitals do every day in America.
Hospitals are working not just to mend bodies, but also to make their patients and communities healthier. This work extends far beyond the hospital building – bringing free clinics, job training, smoking-cessation classes, back-to-school immunizations, literacy programs and so many other resources, often with little fanfare, directly to the people of the community.
As the national advocate for hospitals, the AHA has consistently supported our members as they develop fair and compassionate policies to help improve access to care for the uninsured, as they work to expand wellness and prevention activities and as they routinely demonstrate their commitment to improving the health and addressing the unmet needs of their patients and communities.
Hospital members are encouraged to submit their stories today.