Frederick Memorial Hospital - FMH Auxiliary Prenatal Center
What is it?
Combining clinical care with education, counseling, and evidence-based assessment guidelines that improve prenatal outcomes, the FMH Auxiliary Prenatal Center's staff provides women with prenatal care regardless of their ability to pay. Patients at the Prenatal Center receive screenings for health problems such as gestational diabetes, are taught what to expect during pregnancy, and are referred to services such as WIC and childbirth classes.
Who is it for?
Underinsured/uninsured pregnant women in Frederick County.
Why do they do it?
Frederick County has the 17th fastest growing Hispanic population in the country. From 2003 to 2005, Hispanic mothers showed the highest rate of inadequate prenatal care in Maryland compared with other races and ethnicities.
Since opening in December 2007, the Prenatal Center has provided care to more than 1,500 women, reducing their risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth.
Contact: Blair Hughes
Director, Specialty Services & Wound Care
Telephone: 240-566-3884