Mat-Su Regional Medical Center - Little Ones, Big Questions
This family-focused health fair is an educational, fun and family-friendly event that provides answers to questions that parents and those expecting a baby may have. Along with screenings, there are giveaways and safety games for children; and information and advice is available to parents.
More than 500 individuals attended the fair and toured the hospital. A highlight of the day's activities was seeing how technologically advanced the hospital is and talking with health professionals in various departments. Vision, hearing and dental screenings were performed, and approximately 150 prospective parents visited the birthing facilities.
Challenges/success factors
The day’s activities required considerable coordination as each department is asked to provide important health education materials and/or an interactive demonstration in their respective area (including seeing the da Vinci surgical system). Guests must also be able to move throughout the hospital without impinging on patient privacy, or contacting or spreading germs. This project enables attendees to meet and talk with the professional health care staff, creating a feeling of familiarity and comfort with those they may be dealing with in the future. And for children, it takes some of the mystery and fear out of a future hospital visit.
Future direction/sustainability
Mat-Su is proud of its tradition of community benefit and partners with health-related non- profit organizations throughout the Mat-Su Valley to sponsor events to better the health and welfare of the community.
Advice to others
This and other health fairs and free screening programs enable the hospital to showcase its talented and diversified professional staff, and lets residents of its service area see what an advanced and excellent health care facility they have close to home.
Contact: Nicole Caldarea
Marketing Manager
Telephone: 907-861-6849