Pocono Health System - Nurse-Family Partnership
What is it?
Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) is a voluntary prevention program that provides nurse home-visitation services to low-income, first-time mothers. Nurses begin home visits early in the mother's pregnancy and continue visitation until the child's second birthday by providing support, education, and counseling on health, behavioral, and self-sufficiency issues.
Who is it for?
Low-income children and mothers living in the East Stroudsburg and surrounding areas.
Why do they do it?
Mothers and children who have participated in the program have consistently demonstrated significantly improved prenatal health, fewer subsequent pregnancies, increased maternal employment, improved child school readiness, reduced involvement in crime, and less child abuse, neglect, and injuries.
Currently, 112 young mothers are participating in Pocono Health System's Nurse-Family Partnership in Monroe and lower Pike Counties.
Contact: Geoffrey Roche
Community/Government Relations Coordinator
Telephone: 570-476-3767
E-mail: groche@pmchealthsystem.org