Poudre Valley Health System - Healthy Kids Club

Healthy Kids Club - sponsored by Poudre Valley Health System (PVHS) - partners with schools and youth-serving agencies in Northern Colorado to provide programs and resources that include standards-based kindergarten health education, after-school programs, the Healthy Kids Run Series, the Schools on the Move Challenge, Fit Families on the Move, school-based walkathon fundraisers, and classroom resources to integrate health and activity into the school day.

What is it?

Healthy Kids Club - sponsored by Poudre Valley Health System (PVHS) - partners with schools and youth-serving agencies in Northern Colorado to provide programs and resources that include standards-based kindergarten health education, after-school programs, the Healthy Kids Run Series, the Schools on the Move Challenge, Fit Families on the Move, school-based walkathon fundraisers, and classroom resources to integrate health and activity into the school day.

Who is it for?

Area children and youth.

Why do they do it?

Colorado's childhood obesity rate is increasing faster than in every other state but one. Currently, 23 percent of local youth are overweight or obese.


More than 80 percent of parents report that Healthy Kids Club health education has made a positive difference in their child's health habits. More than 1,500 youth participate in the Healthy Kids Run Series; 75 schools representing 11,000 students and staff participate in the Schools on the Move Challenge.

Contact: Laurie Zenner
Healthy Kids Club Manager
Telephone: 970-495-7511
E-mail: lhz@pvhs.org