Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center - Curtis D. Robinson Men's Health Institute
What is it?
The Curtis D. Robinson Men's Health Institute (CDRMHI) focuses on patient education, early diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and continued support for men at risk of, or who screen positive for, prostate cancer. The program provides free services to the uninsured/underinsured while addressing racial disparities and health inequities in the community.
Who is it for?
Hartford-area men at risk of prostate cancer with an emphasis on reaching African-American men.
Why do they do it?
Approximately 33,700 men die annually from prostate cancer. The death rate is 2.5 times higher for African-American men than for Caucasian men.
Since 2010, the CDRMHI has held more than 60 community events educating thousands of men and women. More than 800 men have been screened for prostate cancer; 26 were diagnosed with prostate cancer and have been treated with radiation, hormone therapy, or surgery.
Contact: Mary Stuart, MPH
Director, Saint Francis Center for Health Equity
Telephone: 860-714-4095