Sequoia Hospital - Live Well with Diabetes
What is it?
Live Well with Diabetes is a free class series focusing on diabetes self-management practices, including improved nutrition and physical activity behaviors. Each class is two hours per week for five weeks, and is offered in Spanish. The courses are taught by trained Diabetes Health Promoters, most of whom were recruited through Canada College’s Promoter Education and Employment Project (PEEP). The program, which began in early 2006, is implemented through collaboration among four agencies: Sequoia Hospital, Samaritan House Free Clinic, Fair Oaks Adult Activity Center/Peninsula Family Service, and Canada College.
Who is it for?
Live Well with Diabetes is for people and their caregivers living in low-income areas of southern San Mateo County who are at high risk for diabetes, have pre-diabetes, or have diabetes. The program also offers diabetes and nutrition education training to students in Canada College’s PEEP.
Why do they do it?
The diabetes education and behavior change program helps prevent complications of diabetes and helps the underserved Latino community develop skills and knowledge about prevention and management of diabetes.
During FY 2012, the Diabetes Health Promoters taught 14 Live Well with Diabetes courses in Spanish that reached 154 community members. Course participants demonstrated a 17 percent increase in knowledge about diabetes prevention and management, based on pre- and post-tests. Based on follow-up phone interviews conducted six months after course completion, 88 percent of course participants (29 students) reported at least two sustained behavior changes and no (0 percent) diabetes-related emergency department visits or hospitalizations.
Contact: Marie Violet
Director, Health & Wellness Center
Telephone: 650-367-5995