Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center - Liberty Tattoo Removal Program
What is it?
Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center collaborates with the Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo (CAPSLO) on the Liberty Tattoo Removal (LTR) Program. Under the auspices of the CAPSLO, a nonprofit community organization, the LTR Program assists people with the removal of anti-social and/or gang-related tattoos that inhibit employment or otherwise interfere with life. There is no charge to participants, but community service is required. Community physicians donate their time at the monthly clinics to remove the tattoos. The clinics are housed at Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center, which donates both space and supplies.
Who is it for?
To be eligible, a person must have a tattoo that is gang-related or anti-social and prevents the person from finding employment or otherwise interferes with the person’s daily life. In addition, participants must reside in San Luis Obispo or Santa Maria, sign a clean and sober agreement, pledge not to get any additional tattoos, and complete a minimum of 16 hours of public service in the non-profit agency of their choice or make a donation equal to same for each tattoo removal treatment.
Why do they do it?
People with tattoos often find themselves being unfairly stereotyped in a way that makes it difficult to find employment or be promoted to higher, better paying positions. The LTR Program works with people in the community to erase this social stigma and help individuals break free from their former gang lifestyles, become better role models, and find employment.
In 2010, the program had 90 clients and performed 172 tattoo removal treatments to Central Coast residents. That generated 3,485 community work service volunteer hours at local non-profit agencies. Our population is 100 percent vulnerable, and more than 70 percent are extremely low income. Since inception of the program in November 2000, 3,117 treatments have been performed, and 46,004 volunteer hours have been generated.
Contact: Janet Allenspach
Program Coordinator
Telephone: 805-544-2484