West Tennessee Healthcare - Heartaware
What is it?
Available online and at events throughout the year, Heartaware is a free cardiovascular disease assessment test and report. If individuals are over 35 and test positive for two or more risk factors, they receive free blood work as well as a free one-on-one RN visit to learn their specific risks, cholesterol numbers, diet and exercise recommendations, and other ways to reduce as many risk factors as possible.
Who is it for?
All rural West Tennessee adults.
Why do they do it?
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for Tennesseans; the state ranks ninth in obesity rates. Diabetes rates are also higher than the national average.
Since Heartaware began in 2009; West Tennessee Health has added Strokeaware, Vascularaware, Canceraware, Sleepaware, Spineaware, and Diabetesaware. More than 16,000 people have had free assessments, and roughly 2,300 people have had follow-up free blood work and RN teaching sessions.
Contact: Melissa Walls
Director, Disease Management
Telephone: 731-541-9135
E-mail: melissa.walls@wth.org