Baptist Health Corbin - FOCUS Prescription Program

In 2005, Community Health Services (CHS), the Baptist Health Corbin (formerly Baptist Regional Medical Center) outreach department, created the FOCUS Prescription Program to assist with the rising costs of prescribed medication. CHS helps eligible patients obtain their prescribed medication, and through referral services to other community resources, FOCUS helps patients maintain medication compliance.

What is it?

In 2005, Community Health Services (CHS), the Baptist Health Corbin (formerly Baptist Regional Medical Center) outreach department, created the FOCUS Prescription Program to assist with the rising costs of prescribed medication. CHS helps eligible patients obtain their prescribed medication, and through referral services to other community resources, FOCUS helps patients maintain medication compliance.

Who is it for?

Eligible patients of any age who cannot afford their prescribed medications.

Why do they do it?

Baptist Health Corbin (BHC) noticed the growing need for a medication assistance program as more Corbin and tri-county residents went without medication due to its cost.


Of the 343 patients helped in 2010 and 2011, 227 were not readmitted to the hospital. BHC’s partnerships with other community organizations help to ensure medication compliance for its patients for better care management.

Contact: Lee Richardson
Director, Community Health Services
Telephone: 606-523-8533