Children's National Medical Center - IMPACT DC (Improving Pediatric Asthma Care in the District of Columbia) Asthma Clinic
What is it?
The IMPACT DC (Improving Pediatric Asthma Care in the District of Columbia) Asthma Clinic provides comprehensive asthma care and education to children who recently have been to the emergency department (ED), were hospitalized for asthma or who have trouble controlling their asthma. The clinic typically sees children for a 90-minute visit within two weeks of an ED visit or hospitalization. Clinic staff partner with families to provide tailored asthma education and develop a unique care plan for each child. Staff also provide short-term case management services to help families transition from episodic asthma care to ongoing asthma care in a medical home.
Who is it for?
Children with asthma and their families.
Why do they do it?
The goal is to dramatically reduce the need for ED visits and hospitalizations for asthma.
The clinic provides care to more than 1,000 new patients each year. It has been correlated with a dramatic 40 percent drop in ED visits for asthma among asthmatic DC children.
Contact: Emily Hartman
Interim Director, Marketing and Public Relations
Telephone: 202-476-4500