Duke University Hospital - Just for Us
What is it?
In collaboration with Lincoln Community Health Center and other community partners, Just for Us offers in-home medical services to older adults and adults with disabilities in Durham’s public and subsidized housing facilities and rest homes who cannot access care on their own. The program’s medical team includes a supervising physician, advanced practice provider, nutritionist, occupational therapist and community health worker, as well as a social worker who helps patients apply for benefits such as food stamps and Medicaid.
Who is it for?
Lower-income Durham seniors living with chronic, debilitating health conditions who are unable to access patient care.
Why do they do it?
Through the program, low-income seniors have access to the consistent care they need.
Annual enrollment averages 350 participants, with an average participant age of 71. Outcome and utilization data indicate improvement in indicators of hypertension and diabetes and an increase in usage of supportive services.
Contact: Michelle Lyn, MBA, MHA
Chief, Division of Community Health
Telephone: 919-681-3192
E-mail: michelle.lyn@duke.edu