Holy Cross Hospital - Kids First
What is it?
In the Kids First program, a social worker coordinates with medical staff at Holy Cross’s Peñasco Health Clinic and Taos Clinic for Children and Youth to connect rural families to services including substance abuse, domestic violence and mental health counseling. The initiative provides parenting classes and in partnership with local schools, hosts community events on themes including anti-bullying, anti-violence, nurturing relationships and coping with depression. Children perform skits on the topic, a keynote speaker emphasizes themes and dinner is provided.
Who is it for?
Peñasco Valley families and the community as a whole.
Why do they do it?
Kids First aims to reduce parenting stress and the adverse childhood experiences that affect the well-being and safety of children as well as their long-term health.
Events have been attended by hundreds of people, fostering a tangible sense of community and support for the health and well-being of children.
Contact: Baqi Martin
Program Manager
Telephone: 575-751-8941
E-mail: bmartin@taoshospital.org