Prairie Lakes Healthcare System - Window of Hope - A Grief Healing Retreat

Facilitated by a Prairie Lakes pastoral care representative and social worker, the one-day Grief Healing Retreat encourages participants to share feelings, questions and concerns as they work through the normal grief process. This non-denominational retreat is offered at no cost and lunch is provided.

What is it?

Facilitated by a Prairie Lakes pastoral care representative and social worker, the one-day Grief Healing Retreat encourages participants to share feelings, questions and concerns as they work through the normal grief process. This non-denominational retreat is offered at no cost and lunch is provided.

Who is it for?

People who are grieving a loved one’s death.

Why do they do it?

The retreat is designed to bring persons who have lost a loved one hope, healing and comfort. It also gives participants an opportunity to meet other people who are coping with the death of a loved one.


Twenty-one people attended the Grief Healing Retreat. Previously, this event was held as a Bereavement Support Group that met for five consecutive weeks. This new, one-day format proved to be more successful. The pastoral care team is offering a follow-up event called “Beyond Death’s Door” for people who attended the retreat.

Contact: Elizabeth Ruen
Public Relations Specialist
Telephone: 605-882-7000 or 605-882-7714