Providence Hospital - Camp Bluebird

Camp Bluebird offers a unique experience for adult cancer patients. Sponsored by Providence Hospital and the Telephone Pioneers, Camp Bluebird offers recreation, relaxation, crafts and activities, non-denominational worship services and the opportunity to openly discuss the experiences and emotions associated with cancer with other survivors. On the last day, as a sign of hope, each camper builds a birdhouse.

What is it?

Camp Bluebird offers a unique experience for adult cancer patients. Sponsored by Providence Hospital and the Telephone Pioneers, Camp Bluebird offers recreation, relaxation, crafts and activities, non-denominational worship services and the opportunity to openly discuss the experiences and emotions associated with cancer with other survivors. On the last day, as a sign of hope, each camper builds a birdhouse.

Who is it for?

Adults 18 or older who have been diagnosed with or treated for cancer.

Why do they do it?

The goal is to provide a supportive, safe environment for cancer patients to reflect on their journey and to encourage and support others on their journey.


Approximately 40 to 50 adult cancer survivors receive emotional, spiritual and physical support twice a year at Camp Bluebird. Campers return year after year, and stay in touch with counselors between camps through various social media. Camp Bluebird is finalizing plans for a Camp Bluebird Family Day for campers and their families to be able to share in the experience.

Contact: Robi Jones RN, CRNP, CBCN
Breast Center Care Coordinator
Telephone: 251-639-2852