Union Hospital of Cecil County - Community Assisted Medications Program (CAMP)
What is it?
Union Hospital (UH), in partnership with City Pharmacy, established the Community Assisted Medications Program (CAMP) to provide free prescription medications to patients who cannot afford them. Patients approved for community assistance are referred to the program. Case Management and Patient Financial Services then facilitate the application and approval process for CAMP. UH approves patient referrals for medications based on a medication formulary provided by City Pharmacy.
Who is it for?
Patients who cannot afford their medications and who are eligible for community assistance in Cecil County.
Why do they do it?
In Cecil County, an increasing number of patients cannot afford their medications, 1,923 families live below the poverty level, unemployment stands at 8.82 percent, and 10 percent of adults cannot afford to see their doctor.
From FY 2011 to 2013, UH approved 439 patient referrals to fill approximately 1,115 prescriptions. Prescription costs totaled $65,892, providing an average of $59 in medication subsidies per prescription.
Contact: Jean-Marie Donahoo
Community Benefits Coordinator
Telephone: 443-674-1290
E-mail: jmdonahoo@uhcc.com