Greene County General Hospital - Friends Friday
What is it?
Greene County General Hospital started its Friends Friday as a way to support community organizations and youth. The first Friday of each month, employees are allowed to wear jeans if they support the organization’s Friend of the Month. Support comes through monetary donations as well as donations of items needed by the Friend of the Month. Examples include food drives, monetary donations to the local crisis pregnancy center, school supply donations to local schools and monetary donations to help build a new baseball and softball complex for youth.
Who is it for?
Community organizations and youth
Why do they do it?
The hospital gives back to the community in many different ways; Friends Friday provides employees that opportunity.
To date, Friends Friday has helped more than 13 local organizations and hundreds of local students and families with donations of much-needed items, as well as monetary donations.
Contact: Amy Lore
PR, Marketing, and Business Development Manager
Telephone: 812-847-5223