Leading the Charge for Disruptive Innovation
New health care market entrants and vertical integrators are challenging the traditional business models and operational tactics of hospitals and health systems. This report from the American Hospital Association (AHA) Center for Health Innovation outlines the moves hospitals and health systems should make to convert that challenge into more opportunities to serve the health needs of their patients.
The Time is Now
There's a strategic fork in the road for hospitals and health systems across the country as they contemplate how to respond to the wave of new health care market entrants that are testing their traditional business models and operational tactics as never before.
This report from the AHA Center for Health Innovation examines why nontraditional health care companies are moving into health care; why traditional sectors of the health care field are coming together in different combinations; how that disruptive behavior may affect hospitals and health systems; and, most importantly, how hospitals and health systems should respond to continue to fulfill their mission of advancing health in America.
The AHA Center for Health Innovation based this report on information and insights taken from a number of sources, including interviews with hospital and health system leaders and other experts, surveys of hospital and health system executives, speaker presentations, events and a number of health care reports and research articles. A complete list of sources appears on Page 9 of this brief.
The AHA Center for Health Innovation thanks everyone for their contributions to this analysis.