AHA Letter of Support for GET CARE Act
August 6, 2020
The Honorable Mark Warner
United States Senate
703 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
The Honorable Tim Scott
United States Senate
104 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator Warner and Senator Scott:
On behalf of our nearly 5,000 member hospitals, health systems and other health care organizations, our clinical partners – including more than 270,000 affiliated physicians, 2 million nurses and other caregivers – and the 43,000 health care leaders who belong to our professional membership groups, the American Hospital Association (AHA) supports the “The Getting Early Treatment and Comprehensive Assessments Reduces Emergencies (GET CARE)” Act.
Your legislation would create a public awareness campaign to promote the importance of preventive care, which is of particular importance during these challenging times. This national, evidence-based campaign would increase awareness of preventive care services for the prevention and control of diseases and illness and encourage individuals to seek preventive care during the COVID-19 pandemic. It would also disseminate scientific and evidence-based, preventive care-related information, with the goal of increasing the number of Americans seeking preventive care across all ages, particularly in medically underserved communities and communities disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The nation's hospitals and health systems remain on the front lines of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and fully support your efforts to promote preventive care services and stop the spread of this and other communicable diseases.
We appreciate your leadership on this important issue and look forward to working together to ensure passage of this legislation.
Thomas P. Nickels
Executive Vice President