Webinars and Podcasts

Webinar: Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center Gun Violence Initiative: Learning Our Best Lessons and Outcomes by Studying Our Worst Incidents, October 5, 2018: Hear about Harborview’s innovative approach to gun violence patterned on alcohol and substance abuse interventions. The Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center (HIPRC) is a worldwide leader in reducing the impact of injury and violence on lives through research, education, training and public awareness.

Webinar: Innovations in Hospital and Community Health Partnerships, June 2018: Learn how Saint Francis Memorial Hospital is partnering with Saint Francis Foundation to play a deeper role in improving health outcomes for residents in the Tenderloin, a highly challenged neighborhood adjacent to the hospital that is home to many high users of health care. Saint Francis launched the Tenderloin Health Improvement Partnership (TLHIP) in 2014 with the goal of improving community health by addressing social determinants.

Webinar: Project Ujima: Changing Lives by Reducing the Reoccurrence of Violence for Victims of Violence, March 27, 2018: Marlene Melzer-Lange, M.D., professor of Pediatrics at the Medical College of Wisconsin, medical director of Project Ujima and EMS director at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin; and Bridget Clementi, vice president for Community Health at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, speak about Project Ujima, a community-focused, multi-disciplinary collaboration addressing youth and adult interpersonal violence.

Webinar: Violence Prevention: Joint Community Efforts, Oct. 17, 2017: Cynthia Kelleher, President and CEO and Lynn Williams, security coordinator for the UM Rehab Institute speaks about the role hospitals can play to ensure the safety of their employees and patients and to reduce violence in their community by collaborating with local law enforcement, the business community and other community groups.

Podcast: St. Louis Children’s Hospital, June 2017: Speaker: Margie Batek, Social Worker. Margie shares how St. Louis Children’s Hospital coordinates wraparound social and medical services for children impacted by violence through their Victim of Violence program. The program has successfully curbed the reoccurrence of interpersonal violence for the children and families that participate.

Podcast: Advocate Christ Medical Center, June 2017: Speakers: James Doherty, MD, director of trauma surger; Wendell Oman, vice president of mission and spiritual care; Kelly Guglielmi, MD, Chief Medical Officer. Advocate Christ Medical Center’s violence prevention work grew out of trauma center requirements, but it has evolved to become a central element of the organization. The hospital was an initial partner of CeaseFire, which applies a public health model to interrupting violence, using a person’s entrance to the hospital as an impetus for intervention.

Podcast: Sinai Hospital - LifeBridge Health, June 2017: Speakers: Lane Levine, population health project manager; Darleen Won, assistant vice president, population health; Beth Huber, manager; Ademola Ekulona, program director, Kujichagulia Center. Located in Baltimore, Sinai Hospital has focused efforts on the social and economic determinants of violence through its Kujichagulia Center; “kujichagulia” means self-determination in Swahili. The center provides development and violence prevention services to youth in their communities, including education and vocational training to help them escape the cycle of violence.

Podcast: University of Maryland Medical Center, June 2017: Speakers: Anne Williams, director of community health improvement; Erin Walton, clinical supervisor, Violence Prevention Program. Community violence has long been a health issue in Baltimore, where the University of Maryland Medical Center is located. UMMC uses an individual’s admission to the hospital from violent injury as an entry point to start intensive case management with the victim and surround him or her with the social and medical support needed to reduce risk and recidivism.

Podcast: University of Vermont Medical Center, June 2017: Speaker: Sister Patricia McKittrick, Community Health Improvement Coordinator. Sister Pat shares how University of Vermont Medical Center is building community and social cohesion through their Peace Initiative to address hidden forms of violence in their community such as domestic violence and human trafficking.

Webinar: Combating Violence using Hospital-based Violence Intervention Programs, May 31, 2017: This webinar describes how hospitals and health systems can help to combat community violence using Hospital-based Violence Intervention Programs (HVIPs).

Webinar: Hospitals as Leaders in City-Wide Violence Prevention: Strengthening Chicago’s Youth, April 26, 2017: This webinar explores how hospitals and health systems can take a lead in convening community stakeholders and citizens to combat escalating violence.

Podcast: CHI’s Longstanding Commitment to Combating Violence, March 2017: Speaker: Colleen Scanlon, senior vice president/chief advocacy officer with Catholic Health Initiatives. Colleen explains her hospital system’s long-standing commitment to combating violence in the communities it serves.

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