
American Hospital Association guides and reports for members and the health care field.

Unique Union Election Ground Rules Undermined by Inter-Union Rivalry - On March 11, Catholic Healthcare Partners \(CHP\) was forced to withdraw petitions for union elections to be held under unique ground rules in nine hospitals, covering more than 8,500 employees in 47 units.
Hospitals play a critical role in the health of Americans, but few people are aware of the economic and community benefits hospitals provide. Hospitals employ more than 5 million people and represent the second largest source of private sector jobs.
Physician self-referral when physicians own the facilities to which they refer patients has long been a concern in health care because of the potential for conflicts to arise between the needs of the patient and the financial interests of the physician.
This TrendWatch provides a compilation of the growing body of research on physician ownership and self-referral in the hospital setting.
Union Organizing in Hospitals: A Preliminary Look at AHA Survey DataIn April 2007, the American Hospital Association \(AHA\) began to formally collectdata from member hospitals about union organizing.