The AHA’s Site-neutral Advocacy Alliance will meet on Thursday, Jan. 11 at 1 p.m. ET. This call will feature updates on site-neutral provisions moving through Congress and next steps. Register for the Jan. 11 call here.
Few events in health care facilities are as catastrophic — and preventable — as a patient suicide. Yet data indicate that suicide incidents are a serious problem, which suggests that hospitals must do a better job not only of identifying and monitoring patients at risk but removing the means to…
Beginning any behavioral health project takes a unique frame of reference that allows designers to understand that the environment of care is a critical component of the patient care plan. A truly successful project is one that provides patient and staff safety, along with a pleasant environment…
May 2018 - Kaiser Permanente, an Oakland-based nonprofit health care provider, recently announced a $200 million investment in affordable and supportive housing to prevent homelessness nationwide.
This year's winners of Health Care's Most Wired Survey are employing information technology to help they achieve the Triple Aim of health care. These hosptials ensure their application of HIT is driving value, connecting patients and physicians and even moving outside of the hospital…
This New York Times blog was written by a resident in internal medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. She describes two patient encounters. First, a family decided on a course of action and before she knew it, another physician went ahead with a procedure the family decided against.…
This blog post is from H&HN, the journal of the American Hospital Association and was written by Rita E. Numerof, Ph.D., president, Numerof & Associates, Inc., St. Louis. Here are the concluding statements:
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and CVS Health will colaborate to put lifesaving information about preventive services into the hands of millions of consumers where they are already looking for it—on CVS Health's and websites.
This article highlights what hospitals are doing to improve access to behavioral health services. It includes case studies from: Montefiore Health System: Integrating psychiatry into primary care Atlantic Health System: Building a full continuum of behavioral health Behavioral Health Network of…
This article from Hospitals & Health Networks, the journal of the American Hospital Association, details the report from the 2014 committee on research. Among other point, the authors highlight the following: