Behavioral Health Care Delivery

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration July 24 announced it is awarding $45.1 million in grants toward various behavioral health initiatives.
Rosalyn Carpenter and Paul Rains, R.N., write about the importance of fostering an inclusive environment to reduce stigma around behavioral health care for historically underserved communities.
The newest in AHA’s series of People Matter, Words Matter posters, which emphasize the need for person-first language in health care settings, focuses on using caring and compassionate language about people with disabilities.
Lidera ConscienteMENTE es una campaña de desestigmatización, primera en su tipo, que obtiene información curada de expertos diseñada específicamente para una audiencia hispana para fomentar conversaciones abiertas sobre la salud mental.
Lidera ConscienteMENTE is a first-of-its-kind destigmatization campaign creating curated expert information designed specifically for a Hispanic audience to encourage open conversations about mental health.
Jefferson Health partnered with NeuroFlow to integrate behavioral health into their primary care and ob-gyn clinics and create evidence-based care pathways for support.
This series of videos highlights the various behavioral health roles and career paths within a hospital or health system, as well as the commitment and passion of current health care workers.
Cathrine Frank, M.D., chair of psychiatry and behavioral health services at Henry Ford Health System, shares how they utilize a virtual team approach to provide reachable care, and how innovations like a patient tracking registry are benefiting the whole person.
After a life-changing car accident, Emily achieved incredible results using MindMotion GO. MindMaze solutions aim to deliver superior outcomes in motor and cognitive function.
Join AHA’s Board Chair Joanne Conroy, M.D., for Leadership Dialogue as she discusses key issues with hospitals colleagues from across the country. Watch the video and listen to the podcasts. New videos will post the last Monday of each month.