CDC on Ebola Guidance and Checklists
- CDC issues interim guidance for the safe care of survivors of Ebola Virus Disease, March 18, 2016
- Messages for the Care of Survivors of Ebola Virus Disease, March 16, 2016
- FAQ on Screening for Ebola Virus Disease for Providers, Healthcare Facilities and Health Departments March 16, 2016
- Guidance for Developing a Plan for Interfacility Transport of Persons Under Investigation or Confirmed Patients with Ebola Virus Disease in the United States, January 28, 2016
- Updated Guidance on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) To Be Used By Healthcare Workers during Management of Patients with Confirmed Ebola or Persons under Investigation (PUIs) for Ebola who are Clinically Unstable or Have Bleeding, Vomiting, or Diarrhea in U.S. Hospitals, Including Procedures for Donning and Doffing PPE, August 27, 2015
- Updated Guidance For U.S. Healthcare Settings: Donning and Doffing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Evaluating Persons Under Investigation (PUIs) for Ebola Who Are Clinically Stable and Do Not Have Bleeding, Vomiting, or Diarrhea, August 27, 2015
- Clinical Considerations for the Evaluation of Ill Travelers from Liberia to the United States, June 19,2015
- Clinical evaluation of patients who traveled from West Africa (Updated), June 2015
- Ebola Preparedness: Emergency Department Training Modules, February 2015
- Q&A’s about the Transport of Pediatric Patients (< 18 years of age) Under Investigation or with Confirmed Ebola, February 2, 2015
- Guidance for Safe Handling of Human Remains of Ebola Patients in U. S. Hospitals and Mortuaries, January 29, 2015
- Considerations for U.S Healthcare Facilities to Ensure Adequate Supplies of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Ebola Preparedness, December 31, 2014
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Interim Guidance for Managers and Workers Handling Untreated Sewage from Suspected or Confirmed Individuals with Ebola in the U.S., December 16, 2014
- 2014 Procedures for Safe Handling and Management of Ebola-Associated Waste, December 10, 2014
- Interim Guidance for U.S. Hospital Preparedness for Patients with Possible or Confirmed Ebola Virus Disease: A Framework for a Tiered Approach, December 2, 2014
- Interim Guidance for Preparing Frontline Healthcare Facilities for Patients with Possible Ebola Virus Disease, December 2, 2014
- Interim Guidance for Preparing Ebola Assessment Hospitals, December 2, 2014
- Interim Guidance for Preparing Ebola Treatment Centers, December 2, 2014
- Current Ebola Treatment Centers, December 2, 2014
- Factsheet: Why Ebola is Not Likely to Become Airborne, December 1, 2014
- Determining Risk of Ebola Transmission in Healthcare and Community Settings, November 25, 2014
- Information on the Survivability of the Ebola Virus in Medical Waste, November 21, 2014
- Interim Guidance for Managers and Workers Handling Untreated Sewage from Individuals with Ebola in the United States, November 20, 2014
- How to Talk with Your Children about Ebola Factsheet, November 20, 2014
- Best Practices for Procuring Personal Protective Equipment for Ebola Response, November 20, 2014
- Guidance for Screening and Caring for Pregnant Women with Ebola in U.S. Hospitals, November 12, 2014
- Video: Respiratory Protection for Ebola, November 10, 2014
- Resources for Parents, Schools, and Pediatric Healthcare Professionals, November 4, 2014
- What Obstetrician–Gynecologists Should Know About Ebola
- Ambulatory Care Evaluation of Patients with Possible Ebola Virus Disease (Ebola)[PDF - 1 page], November 1, 2014
- Questions and Answers about CDC’s Ebola Monitoring & Movement Guidance, November 1, 2014
- Infographic - How Ebola is Spread[PDF - 1 page], November 1, 2014
- Guidance for Donning and Doffing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) During Management of Patients with Ebola Virus Disease in U.S. Hospitals
- Considerations for Discharging Persons Under Investigation, October 30, 2014
- List of all Ebola Q&As, October 29, 2014
- Infographic: Is it Flu or Ebola?[PDF - 1 page], October 28, 2014
- Interim U.S. Guidance for Monitoring and Movement of Persons with Potential Ebola Virus Exposure
- Guidance on Personal Protective Equipment To Be Used by Healthcare Workers During Management of Patients with Ebola Virus Disease in U.S. Hospitals, Including Procedures for Putting On (Donning) and Removing (Doffing)
- Identify, Isolate, Inform: Emergency Department Evaluation and Management for Patients Who Present with Possible Ebola Virus Disease
- Could it be Ebola?
- Recommendations for Safely Performing Acute Hemodialysis in Patients with Ebola Virus Disease in U.S. Hospitals
- Detailed Hospital Checklist for Ebola Preparedness
- Health Care Facility Preparedness Checklist for Ebola Virus Disease
- Tools for Protecting Healthcare Personnel
- Ebola Medical Waste Management
- Ebola Screening Criteria for Outpatient/Ambulatory Care Settings
- Ebola Preparedness Considerations for Outpatient/Ambulatory Care Settings
- Ebola Virus Disease Information for Clinicians in U.S. Healthcare Settings
- Interim Guidance for Environmental Infection Control in Hospitals for Ebola Virus
- Ebola Screening Criteria
- Safe Management of Patients with Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in U.S. Hospitals
- Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Hospitalized Patients with Known or Suspected Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever in U.S. Hospitals
- Interim Guidance for Specimen Collection, Transport, Testing, and Submission for Persons Under Investigation for Ebola Virus Disease in the United States
- Guidance: Air Medical Transport for Patients with Ebola
- Guidance for Safe Handling of Human Remains of Ebola Patients in U. S. Hospitals and Mortuaries
- Interim Guidance: EMS Systems & 9-1-1 PSAPs: Management of Patients in the U.S.
- Checklist for Healthcare Coalitions for Ebola Preparedness
- Detailed Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Checklist for Ebola Preparedness
- Information for Healthcare Workers and Settings
- Ebola Virus Disease Homepage