Addressing inequities in COVID-19 vaccine administration efforts: References and Resources
The links below include digital content and resources related to COVID-19 and communities of color. This page will be continuously updated with content as it becomes available.
[Mar. 2022] Joining Hands for Greater Impact The American Hospital Association’s new Joining Hands for Greater Impact series will highlight how hospitals’ innovative partnerships have enabled them to respond to the pandemic.
[Mar. 2022] American Diagnosis | Kaiser Health News (khn.org) The American Hospital Association’s new Joining Hands for Greater Impact series will highlight how hospitals’ innovative partnerships have enabled them to respond to the pandemic.
[Mar. 2022] THE CONVERSATION / LA CONVERSACIÓN Videos (greaterthancovid.org) Doctors, nurses, researchers and community health care workers provide facts and dispel misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccines, in English and Spanish, in this FAQ video series from Kaiser Family Foundation.
[Sept. 2021] Empowering Black communities to boost COVID-19 vaccination | American Medical Association Identifying the drivers behind vaccine hesitancy in African American and other populations, Harvard medical student LaShyra Nolen is spearheading a national project to empower informed vaccine choices.
[Apr. 2021] Hospital Partners with Faith-based Group to Vaccinate Muslim Community
[Mar. 2021] COVID-19 Vaccines: Answers to Your Key Questions: Spanish Language Town Hall
[Mar. 2021] Unidos US: "Let’s Talk about the COVID-19 Vaccines" video series
[Mar. 2021] Q&A : African Americans and the COVID-19 Vaccine: With vaccinations already underway in Chicago, many have questions about the vaccin e’s safety, Chicagoland's vaccine rollout plan and what the experience of getting the vaccine is like.
[Feb. 2021] National Forum on COVID-19 Vaccine: This forum focused on science and data to drive COVID-19 vaccination success
[Feb. 2021] Advancing Equitable Distribution of the COVID-19 Vaccine in Communities of Color: Shedding light on the long shadow of the Tuskegee syphilis study.
[Feb. 2021] COVID-19 and Black Folk: Changing the Game, Changing the Outcome: How Black patients, families and caregivers are being adversely impacted by COVID-19, and why this is happening.
[Feb. 2021] COVID-19 and the Legacy of Racism: Vaccine Hesitancy and Treatment Bias [Webinar]: The COVID-19 pandemic’s devastating impact on Black, Latino and other communities of color has resulted in disproportionately high rates of cases, hospitalizations and deaths. Racism, both historical and current, complicates efforts to reduce these disparities by contributing to vaccine hesitancy, treatment bias, barriers to testing, and ongoing economic and social inequities.
[Jan. 2021] Expert Coronavirus Updates with Duane Reynolds | Session 33: This podcast explores the history of mistrust of the healthcare system within communities of color and actions that can be taken to instill confidence and ensure communities of color take part in vaccinations.
[Jan. 2021] Alliance for Health Policy - Building Confidence to Build Immunity: Vaccine Hesitancy and COVID-19: This briefing explored the current state of COVID-19 vaccine deployment efforts, cultural, historical, and political influences that may generate feelings of hesitancy, and how to ensure optimal vaccine uptake in key populations.
[Dec. 2020] Asthma, COVID-19 and questions we need answered: It was a powerful experience where we heard patient stories and Dr. LeRoy Graham talked about the challenges of people in the Black community who have asthma and COVID.
[Nov. 2020] Northwestern Medicine: Clergy and Clinicians Series [Webinar]: Dr. Clyde Yancy (Northwestern Medicine) and Pastor Chris Harris (Bright Star Community Outreach) talk about the COVID-19 impact on the African-American community. This is the first in a monthly African-American video series.
[Sept. 2020] Systemic Racism, Disparities and Health: The Impact of COVID-19 on Latino Health [WEBINAR]: The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the synergistic effects of systemic racism, combined with other factors, on the health of Latinos in the United States. The second part in our Stopping the Other Pandemic: Systemic Racism and Health series, this webinar highlighted effective strategies to address the negative impact that systemic racism, the challenges of immigration, language barriers and other factors have on the health and well-being of Latinos.
[Aug. 2020] Systemic Racism & Health: Solutions, Making Change Happen [WEBINAR]: The COVID-19 pandemic has placed a spotlight on the impact of systemic racism on the health of Black Americans. The first part in our Stopping the Other Pandemic: Systemic Racism and Health series, this webinar explored the impact of systemic racism on the health of Black Americans.
[May 2022] CDC COVID Data Tracker These demographic data only represent the geographic areas that contributed data. Data may differ by populations prioritized within each state or jurisdiction’s vaccination phase.
[May 2022] Featured COVID-19 Vaccine Resources - Made to Save
[May 2022] The Vaccine Equity Cooperative The Vaccine Equity Cooperative supports local community-based workforces and other caregivers who are often the most trusted messengers and most skilled in navigating the individual histories and perspectives that impact vaccine readiness.
[May 2022] Vaccinate Your Family Vaccinate Your Family works to protect people of all ages from vaccine-preventable diseases. They expand vaccine access, proliferate science-based messaging, and help the public more easily identify mis- and disinformation in partnership with national and local organizations, traditional media, and social media platforms.
[Apr. 2022] REACH | CDC Since 1999, REACH has demonstrated that locally based and culturally tailored solutions can be effective in reversing the seemingly intractable gaps in health that diverse communities in urban, rural and tribal areas experience across the United States.
[Apr. 2022] Vaccinations by Race/Ethnicity Latest Data on COVID-19| KFF
[Apr. 2022] REACH | CDC Since 1999, REACH has demonstrated that locally based and culturally tailored solutions can be effective in reversing the seemingly intractable gaps in health that diverse communities in urban, rural and tribal areas experience across the United States.
[Apr. 2022] Vaccinations by Race/Ethnicity Latest Data on COVID-19| KFF
[Mar. 2022] Black Directors Health Equity Agenda (bdhea.org) The BDHEA seeks to use their unique platform to advance work in ways that are likely to result in long-term, sustainable reductions in health disparities.
[Mar. 2022] COVID-19 Vaccine Equity for Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups (cdc.gov) CDC is committed to COVID-19 vaccine equity, which is when everyone has fair and just access to COVID-19 vaccination.
[Mar. 2022] Home - Community COVID Coalition The Community COVID Coalition (June 2020-March 2022) supports outreach and education for state and Community Based Organization (CBO) communication efforts for the COVID-19 response.
[Mar. 2022] COVID-19 Comics: Ethics/Social Justice | Graphic Medicine Graphic Medicine is a site that explores the interaction between the medium of comics and the discourse of healthcare
[Mar. 2022] Download: Transforming Trajectories for Women of Color in Tech | The National Academies Press (nap.edu)
[Mar. 2022] CHW and Partner Access to Free COVID-19 At-home Rapid Tests – NACHW The purpose of the program is to strengthen vaccine confidence, provide further information and education on the vaccines and improve rates of vaccination across the country.
[Mar. 2022] Health Equity and Social Justice - NACCHO
[Mar. 2022] RIM Communities | National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants (NRC-RIM) (nrcrim.org) The National Resource Center for Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants (NRC-RIM) is funded by the CDC and the International Organization for Migration to support health departments and community organizations working with refugee, immigrant and migrant (RIM) communities that have been disproportionately affected by COVID -19.
[Mar. 2022] Vaccine Resource Hub This Vaccine Resource Hub has been developed to support individuals and organizations working to increase adult immunization across all communities, especially those experiencing racial and ethnic disparities.
[Mar. 2022] Medicine lost the trust of many Black Americans. How can it be restored? (statnews.com)
[Feb. 2022] Understanding and Addressing Racism as a Public Health Crisis - GoodRx
[Feb. 2022] The Health Equity Roadmap (aha.org) The Equity Roadmap is a framework to help hospitals and health care systems chart their own paths toward transformation — thus becoming more equitable and inclusive organizations.
[Feb. 2022] Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Care Among Black Americans: Recent Trends and Key Challenges (hhs.gov) This issue brief analyzes changes in health insurance coverage and examines trends in access to care among Black Americans using data from 2011-2020. This Issue Brief is part of a series of ASPE Issue Briefs examining the change in coverage rates and access to care.
[Jan. 2022] 10 Questions Boards Can Answer to Advance Equity | AHA Trustee Services Here we outline 10 questions that can serve as critical conversation starters for trustees in directing organizations toward actions that lead to genuine, systemic and sustainable positive change for populations that have suffered the most from health care inequities.
[Oct. 2021] COVID-19 Vaccine Obstacles Among Minority Communities | NurseJournal.org
[Aug. 2021] Addressing the Needs of Nurses of Color: COVID-19 and the Fight for Health Equity (phmc.org)
[Jul. 2021] Carrying Equity in COVID-19 Vaccination Forward: Guidance Informed by Communities of Color
[Jul. 2021] Recommendations for Increasing Vaccine Uptake: Seven Archetypes (Quick Reference Guide)
[Jun. 2021] Board Diversity Survey to Advance Health Equity | AHA Trustee Services
[Jun. 2021] NIHCM: Native Americans & Health Equity
[Jun. 2021] NIHCM: Black Americans & Health Equity
[Jun. 2021] NICHM: Hispanic Americans & Health Equity
[Jun. 2021] NICHM: Hispanic Americans & Health Equity [en Español]
[Jun. 2021] NICHM: Health Equity: What did we learn from COVID-19 and what is next?
[Apr. 2021] de Beaumont: Vaccine Communications Tips
[Apr. 2021] Black Coalition Against COVID: Driving Racial Equity Outcomes in COVID-19 Vaccine Administration
[Apr. 2021] V-safe COVID-19 Vaccine Pregnancy Registry
[Apr. 2021] A Plan to Work with Communities of Color Toward COVID-19 Recovery and Beyond
[Apr. 2021] Building Trust in and Access to a COVID-19 Vaccine Within Communities of Color and Tribal Nations
[Mar. 2021] FEMA Advisory: FEMA Ensures Equitable Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines
[Mar. 2021] TranslateCovid.org Multilingial Resource Hub
[Mar. 2021] Unidos US: Frequently Asked Questions About COVID-19 Vaccines and Clinical Trials
[Mar. 2021] Unidos US: Preguntas Frecuentes Sobre Las Vacunas Contra El COVID-19 Y Los Ensayos Clinicos
[Mar. 2021] Washington State Association: Commitment to equitable COVID-19 vaccine distribution: WSHA is committed to supporting Washington hospitals in ensuring equitable COVID-19 vaccine distribution. WSHA has authored a guide and compiled resources for hospitals to utilize in vaccine planning.
[Mar. 2021] Washington State Association: Strategies for Equity in COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution:This resource includes concrete strategies and actions hospitals and other vaccine providers can take to ensure high-impact communities receive vaccine.
[Mar. 2021] Washington State Association: Coronavirus vaccine equity dashboard visualizes ZIP code and Census Tract data by income, race, ethnicity and disability to assist providers in reaching vulnerable communities. Providers can use it to identify high-impact communities and, for example, offer vaccine clinics to residents of only certain ZIP codes.
[Mar. 2021] COVID-19: Information and Resources for Community Health Centers: NACHC’s novel coronavirus (COVID-19) resource page is a hub for information Community Health Centers can use to strengthen readiness efforts and educate their communities.
[Mar. 2021] NACHC - COVID-19 Communications Toolkit for Health Centers: This page shares key vaccine messages, sample social media posts and graphics, selfie signs, and more resources to help health centers communicate with staff and patients about the COVID-19 vaccines.
[Feb. 2021] Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security - Equity in Vaccination: A Plan to Work with Communities of Color Toward COVID-19 Recovery and Beyond: This plan provides elected and appointed officials with the tools to create, implement, and support a vaccination campaign that works with BIPOC communities to remedy COVID-19 impacts, prevent even more health burdens, lay the foundation for unbiased healthcare delivery, and enable broader social change and durable community-level opportunities.
[Feb. 2021] CommuniVax: A Coalition to Strengthen the Community’s Involvement in an Equitable Vaccination Rollout: The coalition is strengthening national and local COVID-19 vaccination efforts in the United States by putting communities of color at the center of those endeavors.
[Feb. 2021] Catholic Health Association Resources: The pandemic and ongoing protests for racial justice have focused the nation on the issue of systemic racism and its tragic impacts. The Confronting Racism initiative seeks to bring the Catholic health ministry together to take focused, effective action to root out racism by achieving health equity.
[Jan. 2021] Toolkit for Community and Faith-Based Organizations: Guidance and tools to help community and faith-based organizations make decisions, communicate with their communities, and protect their employees, volunteers, and members.
[Jan. 2021] COVID-19 Vaccine and the Black Community: A Tyler Perry Special: In the midst of a world health crisis, Perry sits down with top medical experts Carlos del Rio, MD Executive Associate Dean, Emory School of Medicine at Grady Health System, and Kimberly Dyan Manning, MD Professor of Medicine at Grady Health System to address the public's concerns and fears about the COVID-19 vaccine.
[Dec. 2020] Trust for America's Health: Building Trust in and Access to a COVID-19 Vaccine Within Communities of Color and Tribal Nations: Policy brief calls for building vaccine acceptance through data transparency, tailored communications via trusted messengers, ensuring ease of vaccine access and zero out-of-pocket costs.
[Oct. 2020] Saving Black lives during COVID-19: Vaccines matter | AAMC
[Apr. 2020] Partnering to Address COVID-19 in Under an Hour: This three-step guide provides strategic considerations to form partnerships during the COVID-19 pandemic. In less than an hour, think through what you should be collaborating on, who your partnersshould be, and how you can work together to combat COVID-19.
[Feb. 2020] How we’re failing children of color during COVID-19 | AAMC
[Dec. 2018] American Cancer Society Disparities in Cancer Chartbook (fightcancer.org)
[May 2022] BCAC | The State Of Black America And COVID-19 (blackcoalitionagainstcovid.org)
[May 2022] CT Report After 2 Years of COVID Lessons Learned on Racial Health Equity / Public News Service
[Mar. 2022] Racial Disparities in Maternal and Infant Health: An Overview – Issue Brief – 9577 | KFF
[Dec. 2021] How One Public Health Department Addressed COVID Inequities | MedPage Today Indiana's Marion County Public Health Department, which includes Indianapolis, felt the strain of COVID-19 early on.
[Mar. 2021] Demographic Trends of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the US reported to CDC
[Mar. 2021] Minnesota Immunization Networking Initiative (MINI) Program highlights
[Mar. 2021] Understanding Diverse Communities and Supporting Equitable and Informed COVID-19 Vaccination Decision-Making
[Feb. 2021] COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Engaging with Latinx Community Members of Harris County
[Feb. 2021] Press Ganey Report on Vaccine Hesitancy and Acceptance: The number of patients reporting their willingness to get the COVID-19 vaccine has risen in recent months, but a deeper dive into patient attitudes and behaviors by race, age, and gender uncovers major gaps in vaccine acceptance, according to new data from Press Ganey.
[Jan. 2021] Vaccine Hesitancy in Rural America: With the pandemic’s toll hitting rural communities hard, the findings from the December KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor are a cause for concern. Rural residents are among the most vaccine hesitant groups, along with Republicans, individuals 30-49 years old, and Black adults.
[Jan. 2021] The Hastings Center: Ethical Challenges in the Middle Tier of COVID-19 - Vaccine Allocation: Guidance for Organizational Decision-Making: This supplement to The Hastings Center’s “Ethical Framework” aims to help structure time-sensitive discussion of significant, foreseeable ethical concerns in responding to Covid-19 and to support collaboration across institutions throughout pandemic response and recovery. It is designed for use by county health systems and by hospitals, community health centers, and other health care organizations responsible for patient care or preventive health, including vaccine education, vaccine distribution, and vaccination.
[Dec. 2020] What We Know About Likely COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake by Race and Ethnicity: COVID-19 mortality rates are higher for nearly every community of color in nearly every state, as thoroughly documented in our Color of Coronavirus project. With the advent of COVID-19 vaccines, the question has become: how likely are different racial and ethnic groups to get vaccinated?
[Fall 2020] Coronavirus Hesitancy in Black and Latinx Communities: This report reflects the findings of a September 2020 study of the attitudes and impacts of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and resistance in Black and Latinx communities and highlights key areas of focus to increase vaccine uptake.