When Disaster Strikes: How to Maintain Continuity of Care

 New AHA Leadership Scan 

When Disaster Strikes: How to Maintain Continuity of Care. An Evacuation Route sign in the foreground with the clouds of an incoming hurricane in the background.

Hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires and other events of nature occur with little to no warning. During these natural disasters, communities continue to depend on hospitals for care. Regardless of these uncontrollable events, hospitals must remain a beacon of hope, and this comes with emergency preparedness.

How provider organizations prepare for and respond to these often-overwhelming threats to clinical care largely will determine whether that beacon continues to shine.

Attend the July 10 AHA Leadership Scan discussion, “When Disaster Strikes: How to Maintain Continuity of Care,” from 1 to 2 p.m. ET to learn strategies that create resilience and allow clinical services and overall hospital operations to remain on track amid potential obstacles.

Panelists from Lee Health, Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and North American Partners in Anesthesia will discuss what it takes to succeed in these moments of truth and share insights that helped their organizations respond effectively during some of the nation’s most challenging disasters.

Attendees will learn:

  • To define what it takes to build a culture of preparedness.
  • To assess threats to continuity of clinical operations during disasters.
  • To define key elements of an operations continuity plan.
  • To share insights on how to solve problems in real time during a crisis.

Attendees also will receive one ACHE qualified education hour toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives designation. Register now!

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