Memorial Health University Medical Center - Medical Respite Care Program (MRCP)

In 1999, the MRCP was created in collaboration with the JC Lewis Health Center, a local federally qualified health center, to provide acute and post-acute medical care for homeless individuals presenting at the emergency department. Beds are available at all times, with care and oversight provided by a nurse practitioner and physician.

What is it?

In 1999, the MRCP was created in collaboration with the JC Lewis Health Center, a local federally qualified health center, to provide acute and post-acute medical care for homeless individuals presenting at the emergency department. Beds are available at all times, with care and oversight provided by a nurse practitioner and physician.

Who is it for?

Homeless individuals who are too ill or frail to be on the streets, but are not ill enough to require hospitalization.

Why do they do it?

Lack of a stable home environment diminishes the long-term effectiveness of inpatient and outpatient hospital care.


The MRCP meets the post-hospital recuperative needs for people who are homeless, while reducing public costs associated with frequent hospital utilization. In 2010, the program took care of 64 patients.

Contact: Aretha Jones
Executive Director
JC Lewis Health Center
Telephone: 912-495-8887