Reducing Adverse Outcomes on Labor and Delivery

North Bronx Healthcare Network devised a process to analyze its departmental risk management data in a systematic and organized fashion to devise a consistent and safe way to administer the high alert medication, oxytocin; to reduce the incidence of shoulder dystocia, Erb's palsy and severe Erb's palsy; and, most importantly, to improve perinatal outcomes. Key activities in the approach included oxytocin bundle implementation and TeamSTEPPS training.

North Bronx Healthcare Network devised a process to analyze its departmental risk management data in a systematic and organized fashion to devise a consistent and safe way to administer the high alert medication, oxytocin; to reduce the incidence of shoulder dystocia, Erb's palsy and severe Erb's palsy; and, most importantly, to improve perinatal outcomes. Key activities in the approach included oxytocin bundle implementation and TeamSTEPPS training.

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AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan
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