Improving Quality of Care
In 2015, the geriatric and palliative care team at South Nassau Communities Hospital sponsored a continuing education program to raise awareness about medical orders for life-sustaining treatment (MOLST). MOLST honors the end-of-life preferences of patients with chronic illnesses who have a life expectancy of one year or less. Offered to medical and allied health staff members, this daylong training shed light on the importance of MOLST in today's hospital environment and provides one-on-one training on properly completing the MOLST form.
Because of this education program, more clinical staff members are collaborating with geriatric and palliative care teams. More than 900 consultations involving patients with chronically life-limiting conditions were conducted in 2015. Additionally, 750 goal-of-care meetings were held in 2016 to discuss MOLST forms, do-not-resuscitate orders, similarities and differences of advance directives and the importance of selecting a health care agent or surrogate.
This case study is part of the HANYS Triple Aim series highlighting how New York hospitals are improving health, enhancing quality and reducing costs. Hospitals, nursing homes and home care agencies across New York state are pursuing the Triple Aim. In spite of fiscal constraints, HANYS members are embracing the challenge of transforming health care and are implementing new and innovative approaches to delivery.