Turnaround Ranch - Freeman Health System
Freeman Health System | Joplin, MO
Located on 20 acres of land that used to house an orphanage, Turnaround Ranch is a 71-bed residential treatment facility that provides 24-hour residential care; individual, group, family, and recreational therapies; and psychiatric services for youths ages 10 to 18. Founded more than 30 years ago by Ozark Center, an entity of Freeman Health System that provides comprehensive behavioral health services to children, adults and families, Turnaround Ranch now includes residential cottages, a school, a gymnasium, a family life center and an outdoor recreation area with a swimming pool and disc golf course.
Most of the residents served by Turnaround Ranch have experienced severe trauma and have a history of physical, sexual or emotional abuse. The program focuses on the normalization of the youth experience and relies on the cooperative efforts of individuals, the community and the professional treatment team to help reintegrate residents into society.