Combating Human Trafficking
As part of the American Hospital Association’s Hospitals Against Violence initiative, the AHA, Jones Day, and HEAL Trafficking have come together to provide resources to health care providers across the nation who are fighting the global scourge of human trafficking. Learn More »
Human trafficking, which involves the use of force, fraud or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act, is increasingly a risk affecting our communities. Every day hospitals and health systems see patients who are victims of human trafficking. For this reason, human trafficking is one of the main focus areas of AHA’s Hospitals Against Violence Initiative.
The AHA actively supports the hospital field’s efforts to combat human trafficking and below we have provided webinars and other resources to address this pervasive issue.
Responding to Human Trafficking: Developing a Program to Help Victims
American Organization for Nursing Leadership’s Voice of Nursing Leadership magazine features Laura Castellanos, associate director at the American Hospital Association, and discusses how to develop a human trafficking victims identification and response program. Read more.