Identifying and Assisting Victims of Human Trafficking
“It’s on Us”: Healthcare’s Unique Position in the Response to Human Trafficking
Health services are one of the most common points of access to a lifeline for those actively being trafficked, giving healthcare professionals an advantage to help victims escape. A rural hospital CEO, a SORH director, a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, and a Safe Harbor Regional Navigator share how they combat human trafficking through training and raising awareness.
WEBINAR: Building a Hospital Based Human Trafficking Identification Response Program Webinar
Based on five years of hospital-based identification and response to human trafficking, this session covers important topics for health care administrators to consider when assessing how their institutions can play a greater role with this issue.
WEBINAR: Physician Perspective: Providing Medical Safe Haven Patient Visits to Survivors of Human Trafficking
The Medical Safe Haven clinic provides a coordinated warm-hand access model of care for victims and survivors of human trafficking to receive full spectrum trauma-informed primary medical care and mental health services.
WEBINAR: Human Trafficking Response: Resources for Health Care Professionals
The American Hospital Association’s Hospitals Against Violence initiative joins the National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center (NHTTAC) and HEAL Trafficking to provide key resources and information on how hospitals and health systems can combat human trafficking in their communities. Learn more from leading human trafficking response programs, the new ICD-10 codes for human trafficking, your role as a health care professional, and how your organization can prepare and create systems that can help end human trafficking.
WEBINAR: The Legal Aspects of Human Trafficking for Health Care Providers
This webinar will provide insights on legal aspects and resources available to human trafficking victims. Legal experts highlight the importance of understanding what legal resources are available to victims of human trafficking in holding human traffickers accountable for their crimes and raising awareness of victims’ rights.
WEBINAR: The Reality of Labor Trafficking
Greater awareness of human trafficking among providers and other health care professionals enables the health care system to more effectively assess risk among vulnerable patients in the U.S. and can improve victim identification and response. This webinar will provide hospitals and health systems with the tools to identify and respond to potential victims of labor trafficking.
VIDEO: Human Trafficking: A Mother's Story
The AONL webinar explores the issue of human trafficking from the mother of a survivor’s perspective. Ingrid Johnson, R.N., manager of patient access at Atlantic Health System’s Overlook Medical Center in Summit, N.J., discusses the search for her teenage daughter, a victim of traffickers, and her family’s long journey to recovery.
VIDEO: Health care providers and human trafficking
Katherine Chon, HHS Director of the Office on Trafficking in Persons, talks about human trafficking on how hospitals help to combat it.
VIDEO: Customizable HHS public service announcements, posters and pocket cards
Katherine Chon, HHS Director of the Office on Trafficking in Persons, tells about toolkits and resoruces available to hospitals to help them identify victims of human trafficking.
VIDEO: How health care providers can impact human trafficking
Katherine Chon, HHS Director of the Office on Trafficking in Persons, goes in-depth on the hotline available to hospitals and health systems to help them with instances of human trafficking.
VIDEO: What is human trafficking
Katherine Chon, HHS Director of the Office on Trafficking in Persons, gives advice to hospitals and health systems on identifying and combating human trafficking.
WEBINAR: Human Trafficking: Identifying & Responding to Victims in the Health Care Setting
Moderated by Claire Zangerle, R.N., AHA board member and chief nurse executive at Allegheny Health Network in Pittsburgh, this webinar explores lessons learned by Dignity Health in implementing their human trafficking program from specific indicators to reporting requirements and ways to assist victims in the clinical setting.
Video highlights of a meeting earlier this year where hospital and health system leaders, legal experts, advocates and survivors discuss how the hospital field can work together most effectively to combat human trafficking.
WEBINAR: Human Trafficking 101: Dispelling the Myths: Holly Austin Gibbs, Program Director of the Human Trafficking Response Program and Philip Brown, RN, BSN, Director of Emergency Services at Dignity Health Mercy Medical Center in Merced, CA shares their experiences on how to identify and assist trafficked persons with victim-centered, trauma-informed care and services.
WEBINAR: Human Trafficking: A Trauma-Informed Health Care Response
This webinar discusses the importance of using a victim-centered and trauma-informed approach when caring for a victim of any type of interpersonal abuse, neglect, violence or exploitation. The webinar presents strategies and discusses the importance of this approach when caring for victims and survivors of human trafficking. Gibbs leads Dignity Health’s Human Trafficking Response Program and coincided with January being National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.
WEBINAR: Creating a Human Trafficking Victim Medical Safe Haven in Resident Physician Education: A Synergistic Dynamic of Care
This webinar looks at providing a logistical framework, best practices and training curriculum based on a highly successful medical safe haven incorporated into Dignity Health’s family medicine residency clinic. The program presents a viable, low-utilization construct for providing widespread survivor-led, victim-centered, trauma-informed medical care to human trafficking victims and survivors while concurrently training the future physician workforce to recognize and appropriately treat this vulnerable patient population. The presenter is Ron Chambers, MD, FAAFP, Program Director of the Dignity Health Methodist Family Medicine Residency Program and Medical Director for the Mercy Human Trafficking Clinic.
WEBINAR: Intersection of Human Trafficking and the Opioid Crisis
WEBINAR: Legal Aspects of Human Trafficking for Health Care Professionals
VIDEO: What resources can health care providers use to combat human trafficking?
VIDEO: What role does HHS play in combating human trafficking and assisting the victims?
Office on Trafficking in Persons Training:
- SOAR Online: CE/CME training modules for identifying individuals at risk or who have been trafficked and connect them with resources they need.
- Webinars and Training: SOAR to Health and Wellness Training
- WEBINAR: Human Trafficking and the Opioid Crisis Webinar
- WEBINAR: Emerging Issues on Human Trafficking Webinar: The Public Health Framework
- TOOLKIT: Building Survivor-Informed Organizations
- TOOLKIT: Adult Human Trafficking Screening Toolkit
HEAL (Health, Education, Education, Advocacy, Linkage) Trafficking
Dignity Health: Human Trafficking Response
CHI’s Prevention and Awareness: What you need to know
Children's Bureau: Human Trafficking and Child Welfare: A Guide for Caseworkers
VIDEO: Find immediate assistance for providers
Department of Justice Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force Initiative
Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS)
- RESOURCE: Directory of Crime Victim Services
- RESOURCE: Services Available to Victims of Human Trafficking – A Resource Guide for Social Service Providers
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Dept. of Homeland Security: Blue Campaign – One Voice. One Mission. End Human Trafficking
Dept. of Homeland Security:: Law Enforcement Support
The National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center (NHTTAC)
National Human Trafficking Hotline – a multilingual, toll-free, 24-hour anti-trafficking hotline, at 888-373-7888 to connect with anti-trafficking services in your area.