AHA Working to Address COVID-19 Supply & Equipment Issues
Download this infographic to learn how the AHA is working to make sure hospitals and health systems on the front lines have the supplies and equipment they need:
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- 100 Million Mask Challenge: A national call to action to increase production of PPE
- Health Equip: A mobile app that connects donors and suppliers directly to hospitals requesting PPE
- Protect the Heroes: national campaign that encourages individuals to donate directly to the local hospital of their choice in support of COVID-19 efforts
- Defense Production Act: Advocating for the federal government to use every lever, including fully using the Defense Production Act when appropriate, to increase the supply of PPE
- Increasing PPE Availability: Helping hospitals vet non-traditional suppliers offering PPE, working with Administration on alternative products that have been allowed under Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs), advocating for streamlining data reporting and collection to help get more PPE and other vital equipment and supplies to front lines faster
- The Fight Is In Us: A national campaign to encourage individuals who recover from COVID-19 to donate their plasma, which may contain antibodies that could help other patients fight the virus
- Getting Therapeutics to the Front Lines: Advocating for streamlining data reporting and collection in order to help get drugs to hospitals and patients that need them most
- Vaccines: Tracking the clinical trials of vaccines in development, making sure the perspective of hospitals and health systems is included in distribution plans, playing role in public campaigns encouraging vaccination
- Dynamic Ventilator Reserve: A public-private partnership between the AHA, the federal administration and other stakeholders to create an online inventory that enables ventilators to be shared with hospitals experiencing shortages
- Advocating for Hospitals: Keeping the federal administration informed of hospital and health system testing capabilities and shortages of supplies, insisting on transparency around sensitivity of testing options, sharing best practices on testing and contact tracing
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