Baptist Health La Grange - Hope Health Clinic

The Hope Health Clinic, staffed by an administrator and volunteer physicians, nurses, Spanish translators and others, offers primary care to uninsured residents of Oldham, Henry, Trimble, and Carroll counties. Volunteer physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants staff the clinic one night a week and two afternoons a month. Planning for Hope Health Clinic began in February 2011, when Baptist Hospital Northeast convened a taskforce of community leaders to assess the capability of the community to support a clinic. The 501(c)3 organization that owns the clinic is the Oldham County Ministerial Association. The effort continues to be a collaborative community endeavor. Baptist Hospital Northeast donates the space and the supplies and equipment for the clinic and continues to have a leadership role. The Oldham County Health Department also is a strong collaborative partner.

What is it?

The Hope Health Clinic, staffed by an administrator and volunteer physicians, nurses, Spanish translators and others, offers primary care to uninsured residents of Oldham, Henry, Trimble, and Carroll counties. Volunteer physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants staff the clinic one night a week and two afternoons a month. Planning for Hope Health Clinic began in February 2011, when Baptist Hospital Northeast convened a taskforce of community leaders to assess the capability of the community to support a clinic. The 501(c)3 organization that owns the clinic is the Oldham County Ministerial Association. The effort continues to be a collaborative community endeavor. Baptist Hospital Northeast donates the space and the supplies and equipment for the clinic and continues to have a leadership role. The Oldham County Health Department also is a strong collaborative partner.

Who is it for?

Low-income, uninsured residents of Oldham, Henry, Trimble, and Carroll counties.

Why do they do it?

The Medical Task Force of the Metro United Way Community Solutions Committee identified the need for non-emergency care for people without insurance and decided an indigent care clinic was the best way to fill that need.


Due to the receipt of a grant from the Foundation for Healthy Kentucky, the clinic will soon be able to add a full-time nurse practitioner who will be able to see patients during the day, greatly expanding the capacity of the clinic. The clinic takes a holistic approach to the care of the patients and is establishing a network of specialists and pastoral counselors who will be able to see patients needing referral for medical, social, financial, or emotional needs.

Contact: Bettina White
Public Relations Coordinator
Telephone: 502-897-8343