Team-Based Care

UT Southwestern Medical Center created a simulation-based curriculum, grounded in TeamSTEPPS, to teach incoming medical trainees critical teamwork and communication skills early in their training. Learn how to design and implement a structured training program that equips new medical trainees with…
Laura J. Stone's latest offering in her three-volume series “A Pocket Guide to Purpose” provides a road map for driving team performance and efficiency.
Kaiser Permanente (KP) has begun the journey to enculturate High Reliability Organization principles to decrease harm. Learn how a virtual radio show format can be used to spread culture change, connecting the dots between HRO principles and daily operations. KP speakers share the fun of creating a…
To address preventable obstetric issues, Houston Methodist strengthens protocols with simulation training and communication tools like TeamSTEPPS.
A comprehensive and coordinated care approach among health care professionals can improve health outcomes. Resources below highlights ways hospitals and health systems are implementing diverse perspectives and skillsets to meet various needs of mothers and families.
With a review of evidence and extensive planning, Nemours Children’s Health created an enterprise virtual nursing model. Learn more about the process of introducing the virtual nurse, and how the incorporation of the virtual has positively contributed to outcomes related to nurse and patient…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Aug. 1 issued its hospital inpatient prospective payment system (PPS) and long-term care hospital (LTCH) PPS final rule for fiscal year (FY) 2025.
TeamSTEPPS seen as a way to operationalize values of collaboration and safety; leads to system-wide implementation of TeamSTEPPS and 15 years of sustainment.
Discover how utilizing Family Systems Theories and TeamSTEPPS creates a powerful health care team dynamic. Dr. Sanne Henninger discusses this innovative approach that aims to enhance the evaluation of teams, build collaboration, communication, and overall effectiveness within health care teams,…
Recognizing that TeamSTEPPS does not have a one-size-fits-all approach, we invite you to delve into the compelling narratives of three hospitals, each at a different stage in their TeamSTEPPS implementation. Witness the evolution from a pivotal six-month milestone in a specific unit to the…