Action Alert

American Hospital Association (AHA) Action Alerts notify members about advocacy opportunities on health care issues and legislation.

The departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury, along with the Office of Personnel Management, Sept. 30 released “Part 2” of regulations implementing the No Surprises Act. The AHA has developed a model comment letter that hospitals and health systems can use to assist with…
Please contact your representatives today and urge them to make a number of changes to the Build Back Better Act (H.R.5376) to support patients and communities and the hospitals and health systems that care for them. Specifically, we are asking House lawmakers to eliminate punitive Medicaid…
Please contact your representatives today and urge them to eliminate punitive Medicaid disproportionate share hospital (DSH) and uncompensated care cuts from the Build Back Better Act (H.R.5376). In the version of the bill that was released Oct. 28, states that have yet to expand their Medicaid…
As part of our initiative to balance the narrative and seize the conversation about the crucial role hospitals play, the AHA calls on all hospitals to join this concerted effort to tell the hospital story. With hospitals and health systems serving every corner of this nation, we urge you to raise…
Please contact your representatives today and urge them to make a number of changes to the Build Back Better Act (H.R.5376) to support patients and communities and the hospitals and health systems that care for them.
Please contact your representatives today and urge them to sign onto a “Dear Colleague” letter circulating in the House.
Please contact your representatives and senators today and urge them to include a number of policies that support America’s hospitals and health systems to ensure that the nation’s health care needs can be met today and into the future.
The Provider Relief Fund Deadline Extension Act (S. 2493/H.R. 4735) was introduced yesterday in the Senate and House.