Brodstone Memorial Hospital - Good Beginnings

Good Beginnings is a comprehensive home visitation program providing nursing assessments and identifying family strengths, needs and goals in order to build healthy families. This volunteer program provides holistic nursing care tailored to the needs of the family. Services include parent education, nursing assessment for prenatal health, newborn preparation, breastfeeding, infant care, developmental assessments, car and home safety, home care for medical needs, discipline information, healthy lifestyles, and positive parenting to build strong family units.

What is it?

Good Beginnings is a comprehensive home visitation program providing nursing assessments and identifying family strengths, needs and goals in order to build healthy families. This volunteer program provides holistic nursing care tailored to the needs of the family. Services include parent education, nursing assessment for prenatal health, newborn preparation, breastfeeding, infant care, developmental assessments, car and home safety, home care for medical needs, discipline information, healthy lifestyles, and positive parenting to build strong family units.

Who is it for?

Area families who want assistance with parenting, are expecting a baby or have a child up to five years of age

Why do they do it?

The program can identify strengths and needs to better promote positive parenting skills, manage stress and create a healthy and nurturing home.


Since 1996, hundreds of families who participated in regular home visits took steps to meet their family goals. As the family progresses toward their goal, parents can earn diapers or books for their child.

Contact: Verlene Watson, R.N.
Telephone: 402-879-3281