Suburban Hospital, Johns Hopkins Medicine - HeartWell
What is it?
HeartWell is an innovative health improvement initiative to decrease the incidence of cardiovascular disease, one individual at a time. A team of registered nurses conducts health screenings, one-on-one risk factor modification counseling, chronic disease support groups and community health educational seminars. Nurses guide and motivate practical behavior changes to improve disease prevention, symptom recognition and medication management. The initiative reaches individuals in multiple community settings that are easily accessible to area seniors. Patients ultimately cultivate a collaborative relationship with nurses and feel comfortable asking questions in an approachable environment.
Who is it for?
Montgomery County residents
Why do they do it?
HeartWell strives to improve the understanding of the patients’ role and responsibility in their own care.
In fiscal year 2014, the program served more than 11,000 residents, an average of close to 930 individuals per month.
Contact: Monique Sanfuentes
Director, Community Health and Wellness
Telephone: 301-896-3572